Commentary on a Business Weekly article of 4-10 May 2018 titled “Ethanol shortages push up fuel price… Green Fuel stops production”
The Business Weekly of 4 May 2018 reported that the price of fuel has increased as a result of the failure by Green Fuel to resume the production of ethanol on the back of its annual shut down at the end of 2017. It was also reported that, as a stop gap measure, Triangle Limited has been mandated to supply ethanol from its surplus until 15 May 2018 when Green Fuel is expected to resume production.
On 28 May 2018 the Parliamentary Committee on Mines and Energy met to receive oral evidence from the Ministry of Energy and Power Development, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA) and related players on the petroleum sector. The Daily News of Tuesday 29 May 2018 reported that ZERA’s Chief Executive testified that the sole licensed ethanol producer Green Fuel sells ethanol at $1.10 per litre while Triangle Limited sells it at $0.88 per litre. The News Day of the same day reported that the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee accused Ministry of Energy officials of taking bribes from Green Fuel in order to allow Green Fuel to maintain a monopoly on mandatory blending ethanol production…
Harare, 31 May 2018
Arnold Chikazhe Associate Corporate & Commercial Department |
& | Sara Moyo Partner Intellectual Property Department |
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